
Harrison was raised in New Britain, Connecticut. Harrison’s high school career consisted of history, various strategy games and meeting his now wife! After graduating high school, he continued is education at Rivier College primarily studying history and the english language. Harrison is a long-term resident in Connecticut who resides with his wife in Manchester, Connecticut, whose previous experience as an Assistant Director of Admissions at the University of Hartford brings helpful insight to the Advanced College Planning team.

Best Part of the Job

“I enjoy getting to know the families and students that we work with. Each student has such unique giftings and passions that make it so much fun to help them discover the perfect place to spend their college years.”

Biggest Challenge Students Face

“I think there are so many voices in a student’s life (sometimes too many) – whether it be social media, their teachers, their peers, the news, their family. Being a teenager is already so confusing, so having to distinguish these voices on what is true and right can be hard at times. This same problem can come up in the college process and that’s why we want to help you clearly walk through the college process and alleviate the stress.”

Advice to Students and Parents

“It is important to hit your deadlines. Often at colleges, an application can NOT be viewed until it is deemed complete, and if you miss deadlines, your application is incomplete!”

The Details

Pets: 2 Cats
Hobbies: Crafting, Fairs, Homesteading
Siblings: 2 Siblings, including a twin!
Current Location: Manchester, CT

15 super-important questions to get to know Bethany

  1. If you were on an island by yourself and could only choose one service, which would you choose:  Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or basic cable?  Netflix
  2. iPhone or Android:  Team iPhone
  3. Celebrity crush:  Tom Holland
  4. Favorite social media platform:  Instagram
  5. Does pineapple belong on pizza?  Depends on the other toppings
  6. Is a hotdog a sandwich? Nope!
  7. One place you would like to visit?  Ireland
  1. Nicknames:  Bethy
  2. Mountains or ocean?  Ocean
  3. One unusual fact about yourself:  I do photography as a side hustle!
  4. Favorite city? Washington DC
  5. Dream car:  Lagoon Blue Pearl Subaru Crosstreck
  6. Brownies with or without walnuts?  Without
  7. Famous person you’d like to have dinner with (dead or alive):  Adam Sandler
  8. Do you hear“Laurel” or “Yanni?”  Laurel

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