
Ashley has been with Advanced College Planning since she started as an intern in 2016.  Raised in Mt. Laurel, NJ, she attended Lenape Regional High School and lettered in both Track & Field and Cross Country.  After graduation, Ashley attended Eastern Connecticut State University where she initially studied early childhood education.  Realizing she loved working with students but did not see her best fit in front of the classroom, she changed her degree to a more versatile major of sociology with a business administration minor.  This decision led Ashley to her role as a Relationship Manager, specializing as the Financial Aid Expert at ACP. She is also a Certified College Funding Specialist. Ashley is responsible for helping students and parents navigate the overwhelming college process of financial aid forms. She assists, prepares, and submits all financial aid forms including the FAFSA, CSS Profile and IDOC. Ashley communicates with parents and manages family expectations to meet deadline dates.

Best Part of the Job

“The relationships I build with the students and families.  Some students come in as early as 8th grade, so I have the chance to watch them grow and mature throughout the process.  One of the best parts, though, is seeing a student get into their top school of choice.  It’s heartwarming to be there as they celebrate one of the happiest moments of their lives.”

Biggest Challenge Students Face

“A lot of students come in feeling overwhelmed.  With school, studies, friends, family, the pressure of selecting a college, and teenage life in general, there is so much going on in their lives, it is hard for students to get organized.  While we can’t address all of it, we help our students balance their school preparation priorities.  This helps relieve some of their stress and increases their effectiveness.”

Advice to Students and Parents

“The key to the process of selecting, applying, and getting into the school of choice is staying ahead and setting a course.  Students who take the time to determine what they want and where they want to go, have a much more enjoyable experience getting into college.  Also, students should tour schools.  Although there is a world of online information about each university, it is nearly impossible to fully understand a school unless you go and see it in person.  I also recommend job shadowing!  If you are entering college with the intention of pursuing a career, you should have first-hand experience of  the basic functions of that job to ensure it is truly what you want to do.”

The Details

Pets:  1 Dog- Bucky
Hobbies:  Running, Reading, Eating Popcorn
Siblings:  3 brothers and 1 sister
Current Location:  Wallingford, CT
Status:  Married

15 super-important questions to get to know Ashley

  1. If you were on an island by yourself and could only choose one service, which would you choose:  Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or basic cable?  Netflix 
  2. iPhone or Android:  iPhone 
  3. Celebrity crush:  Liam Hemsworth 
  4. Favorite social media platform:  Instagram
  5. Does pineapple belong on pizza?  Absolutely
  6. Is a hotdog a sandwich?  No 
  7. One place you would like to visit?  Africa 
  1. Nicknames:  Ash
  2. Mountains or ocean?  Ocean
  3. One unusual fact about yourself:  I have one leg significantly shorter than the other.
  4. Favorite city? San Francisco 
  5. Dream car:  Range Rover
  6. Brownies with or without walnuts?  Without walnuts but with chocolate chips!
  7. Famous person you’d like to have dinner with (dead or alive):  Shania Twain
  8. Do you hear “Laurel” or “Yanni?”  Laurel

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